I am well aware of the importance of CCS and the Procurement Frameworks that simplify the procurement process for government and public sector organisations in the UK.
"The G-Cloud framework serves as a digital marketplace where various suppliers, including IT service providers and software vendors, can list their services and products"
https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/agreements/RM1557.14 - is the latest version.
Having worked within the NHS for 20+ years, I have utilised the different CCS Procurement Frameworks, whilst working within different NHS Organisations, to tender and procure IT services.
It works.
Or does it?
In 2019, my company was asked by an NHS Trust to become a direct supplier to that NHS Trust. In doing so, I had to mature my IT Contractor business into a micro / small company. I needed a website domain (this one) and an official business related email address. Exciting.
It was too much of a rush to apply for the G-Cloud 11 framework, but when the applications for G-Cloud 12 opened in 2020, I was ready, I applied and was accepted. I was in.
I read all of the information available https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/information-for-buyers-and-suppliers/start-supplying and even put a few bids in to some suitable opportunities.
I applied for Digital Outcomes and G-Coud 13 when available....the possibilities were endless.
But, for the most part.....all I got was spam email* and a reminder to 'report no business' every single month.
*After a particularly bad day for spam email from auto-alert@bravosolution.com (60+ 'new message' emails in an afternoon about a single tender - which I hadn't expressed any interest in!); I contacted the enablement team who said " Unfortunately there is no functionality within the eSourcing portal to switch the notification emails off, however this has been escalated with the Project Team for Public procurement Gateway as majority of the notification emails are for ITTs that have been run from Digital Outcomes 6. They are looking into reducing the number of notification emails being issued".
And here is the real issue about the whole process:
Whilst working for that NHS Trust in 2021, I was involved in the request by them to the Managed Service Provider to get a proper contract in place.
The Trust contacted the MSP stating "…looks like we spent over £3m (with you) last year and we don't seem to have a contract...".
Okay, not great but at least now the Trust is going to put things right and discussions were had to use the G-Cloud Procurement Framework.
The G-Cloud 12 Call Off Contract template was downloaded and the terms and conditions reviewed and refined. However, when presented to the Trust it was met with:
"...oh no, we don't actually want to use the G-Cloud process......just need a signed (G-Cloud) contract held in the top drawer to show auditors....".
Erm, excuse me. What?
A year late and the (faux) contract was till unsigned. I left soon after (more to follow), but I have contacted CCS to raise this issue.
Unsurprisingly, their response was:
"unless this was a procurement done under one of our frameworks, it would not be something that we would look to investigate further."
When I probed further:
"thank you for bringing this to our attention but we can do nothing about it as the framework is closed. If we know the Trust we could make a note of it on their account."
So, it seems that - in my opinion - unless you want to receive 1000's of spam emails and have the constant request to report no business......the whole G-Cloud process is not worth it as the misuse of it is evident and the concept is so broken that even when flagrant misuse of the process is raised to the CCS - they don't care.
(note - all of the issues (facts) stated above have been raised to the CFO, CEO and Chair of the NHS Trust. As yet (04/12/24) there has not been any response. If they do, I will update accordingly)
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